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Reflection of My Understanding of Leadership

I went into scholars thinking that I would learn skills that could be used in any career I go into. I knew I wanted to improve my public speaking skills, my writing skills, and critical thinking skills. Not only did I achieve all of these goals, but I learned so much more about leadership over these past two years than I could ever imagine. I learned about power, what my strengths and weaknesses are, and about the natural qualities I possess as a leader, and what I can work on to be even better. Leadership is a privilege, for your peers to look up to you and listen to you is an incredible honor. What I think stuck with me most about learning about leadership, is that many leaders have a weakness is something that they deal with everyday. I love that we learned that there are learned skills that can strengthen your leadership abilities. I love that leadership is something that is always improved on and every leader can learn something new. I think it is important to have seen or dealt with a bad leader in your life. I am thankful to have been lead by someone who should not be in that respected role. I have learned the same amount about what is an effective and ineffective leader, and I think that has only helped me become a better role model. I think leadership is a beautiful, respected role in a group and that one should never take advantage of the power that comes with that title. 

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